Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What kind of man Jesus would be?

A question was recently proposed that I thought was interesting... What kind of man Jesus would be?

My unlce asked me and included some thoughts of his own [below blue, I think. I'm color blind] after thinking about this a bit I felt like this was something I could write about.... [below black]

Our lives are short, and I imagine you to be, and I wish for you to be a bit of a contemplative man. Are you a religious man Justin? I am not really; however, I am a 'spiritual man'. But I imagine you to be a religious man to an extent. Therefore, I would compel you to contemplate on what kind of man Jesus would be.I think he would be a 'liberal' man, one tending towards caring for his fellow man, loving, not warring, one inclined to share and help those less fortunate...... I do not like a simple two party system, and repel from the thought of aligning towards one in particular.........but if Jesus were compelled to in this day, which would he choose?

I agree whole heartily with everything above, the one thing that I would add however, is that I don't feel that you can successfully run a country being aggressively liberal like Jesus. I'm no scholar and I've had/continue to have, my share of issues so obviously I'm not trying to throw stones... I just think that our social groups should take a more aggressive approach to our fellow Americans. Everyone in our country feels that the government owes them something and I don't like that entitlement attitude. On the flip side of that you can't blame those for taking what someone is offering. We need to tighten the reigns of our government and stop the handouts. It’s like this... I can't blame my dog for begging for dinner scraps when I keep feeding him from the dinner table. I'm an enabler, and our government is an enabler.

To answer the simple question at the end, I don't think he'd choose either. I believe that he would have feelings about abortion would lean him red however, again just my opinion, the lack of social support in the red would lean him into the blue which may make him purple. Like a Crown Royal bag. "Nunc est bibendum."

Happy Trails.